The Clinic

Marassi Orthodontics was founded by Dr. Carlo Marassi in 1993. Since then, the clinic has been surpassing its clients’ expectations, providing high quality and efficiency in Orthodontics and related specialties.

A new modern and comfortable clinic was built in 2018, which includes three offices, a meeting room, waiting rooms for adults and children, a digital lab, and a sterilizing center. It has a team of 20 professionals, including specialists and assistants, who are strongly committed to the clients’ well being. The team uses last generation materials and advanced techniques to achieve the best possible results.


The new clinic is located at an outstanding place called Vogue Square. It is situated in one of the safest neighborhoods in Rio, with easy access, and has its own parking lot. This complex where the clinic is located offers various distinct restaurants, and an excellent hotel.

Address and Contact

Avenida das Américas, 8585 - Sala 523 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil
ZIP code: 22640.102 - Tel/Fax.: +55 (21) 3325.5621
WhatsApp +55 (21) 98581.5666
Emergency Phone Number: +55 21 98502 1009

Dr. Carlo Marassi

Dr. Marassi is the CEO and coordinator of the clinic. This reputed professional has graduated cum laude in Dentistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, specialized in Orthodontics at University of São Paulo (The best University in Brazil), and has obtained his Master of Science degree at SLM Dentistry Research Center, in Campinas. He is the vice-director of the Society of Orthodontics of Rio de Janeiro, founding member and scientific director of the Straight-Wire Group of Rio de Janeiro, member of the Brazilian Society of Orthodontics, World Federation of Orthodontists Fellow and an International member of the American Association of Orthodontists.

He has 15 years of experience as a chairman and professor of the Specialization in Orthodontics at Unigranrio University. He is the CEO of the Marassi Training Institute, and he also teaches advanced education programs in Orthodontics, giving lectures and presenting workshops in Brazil, and in many other countries.

Dr. Carlo Marassi has more than 25 years of experience in his private practice and works with clear aligners and aesthetic fixed appliances. He treats children, teenagers and adults, and he is very concerned about his results.